A wedding is the most beautiful event happens in life. It happens only once in many cases. (There are some exceptions Lol!) We spend months together to make that one event more beautiful and memorable! We ensure we get the best when it comes to finalising the wedding venue, caterers, purohits, Stage decorators and spend huge money to buy that grand wedding costume which adds spark shine on the wedding stage.
When we feel everything is just perfect and it’s going as planned. Most of us make a mistake by choosing the wrong photographer! Yes… Just imagine how it would be if your photographer gives you ugly photo album! One bad photographer can make your event so pathetic.
Weddings are most precious which would be memorable for a lifetime!
I being in this Photography Industry for the past 8+ years, would give you some tips to follow to while hiring the best photographer for your wedding!
If you have just started searching for your Wedding Photographers in Bangalore, this is the best place to start.
Before you book or getting into enquiry understand little about wedding photography! Do not just directly get into quotations. There are many ways and tricks photographers can use to fool you!
Things to know while hiring Wedding Photographers in Bangalore !
Typical Wedding Photography/Videography packages consists of 4 different things mentioned below
1. Traditional Wedding Photography
2. Candid Wedding Photography
3. Traditional Videography
4. Candid Videography
1. Traditional Wedding Photography
What is Traditional Wedding Photography?
I really do not know what is the bookish definition of it but let me help you understand what is traditional wedding photography is about.
Traditional photography is a conventional type of photography where you need to follow some protocols or procedures to be followed during the shoot. Have you seen photographers screaming at people asking for “madam smile please!’ Madam idar dekhiye, Sir keep your head properly etc.
In this type of type of photography, all people on stage would literally be like objects, the ultimate objective of the photographer would be documenting the entire event without missing even a single person who comes on stage!
There is no special talent, advanced gears required to shoot traditional pictures. If the cameraman manages to set ISO, Shutter speed and aperture for the first image he takes, the same settings will be set to capture all other images as the lighting will remain the same for the entire event.
After stage coverage, you will be asked to pose to take some couple pictures. Those pictures will be used in album designing.
Here are few samples to know how exactly traditional pictures look like
Some people might say wow after looking at these traditional pictures and some may think they are not so good! Trust me. These are the finest quality traditional pictures captured by Wideangle studio which one of the popular photo studios in Bangalore.
Now the question arises, Should I Book Traditional Photographer?
The answer is, Yes. You will need a Traditional photographer to document entire event but don’t expect that your pictures would come out like Wow!
How much does it cost for Traditional Photography?
To understand traditional photography package prices continue reading.. 🙂
Photographers charge money based on a number of sessions. Typically one photography session includes 4 to 6 hours of shoot. A decent budget for one traditional photo coverage would be around 10,000 INR per session for only soft copies. The price may increase or decrease depending upon photographer’s talent and their convincing skills. Album designing and printing charges would be extra. It starts from at 300 Rs per sheet including printing and design.
Approximately it would cost between 15,000 – 20,000 INR per session for Photo coverage + Album Designing and Printing! Multiply this with a number of sessions you will get the approximate budget on the same!
2. Candid Wedding Photography
I managed to get the definition of candid photography from Wikipedia,
This is what it says.
A candid photograph is a photograph captured without creating a posed appearance. This is achieved in many ways, for example:
When the subject is in motion, by avoiding prior preparation of the subject, by surprising the subject, by not distracting the subject during the process of taking photos.
In candid photography style pictures are captured without asking for the poses,
Here are few snapshots of candid pictures.
There are many candid photographers available for assignments in India, before hiring make sure they know what they are doing.
Some photographers can easily fool you by showing some of the random pictures taken by others. Therefore check their real works before deciding to hire them.
You can ask your candid photographer to create a theme and shoot pictures accordingly. Make sure you help your photographers to take candid pictures by arranging good props, costume, good stage, jewellery and other things on event day.
Hiring a best Wedding Photographers in Bangalore
Finding a wedding photographer or wedding videographers in a city like Bangalore, is not an easy task. You probably don’t want to make a mistake by hiring a wrong photographer for your wedding. If you are in Bangalore and searching for the best wedding photographers in Bangalore, here is the right place to find them. Since I am from Photography Background I shall be able to help you hiring the best one.
1. Referrals:
First thing you should do is, Check with your friends or family for referrals. If you are thinking why referral, here is the answer.
It is difficult to find high quality photographers in Bangalore. You may find hundreds of wedding photographers online but the quality of the works can be experienced only on or after the event is over.
Your wedding photographer and their team should be as professional as possible. They should know what they are doing. If you are planning to hire candid photographers for your wedding, having a sync between you and photography team is a must.
Because if there is no co-ordination beween you and photographer, there is a high chance that photographs will turn out to be bad.
Check with your friends or relatives if they have hired any very good wedding photographers for their weddings or any other special occasions. Based on their experience, you can decide whether you can think of considering them for your hiring list. You can check their works presented by them through soft copies or wedding albums. This will give you fair idea about quality of their works.
Once you get the referalls, fix an appointment with the photographer, ask them to carry a wedding photo album which has their various wedding projects. Discuss about pricing and other things and block the photographer for your wedding.
2. Take help of Market Places for Photographers:
There are several wedding photography marketplaces, where you can find best candid photographers in Bangalore. Bro4u, Urban-clap, Canvera, Flatpebble, BharathMatrimony Directory to name a few.
Good thing about these startups is, you get to see many wedding photographers in Bangalore listed on their profiles. You can easily compare works of multiple photographers, their rates, ratings, read reviews etc. Since you get mulitple options, you can negotiate price with these photographers and get the best quote.
Reading reviews written by their existing customers might help you deciding the best one, but make sure you contact wedding photographer directly with their sample works before finalising them. Don’t forget to check our article on things to check while hiring a wedding photographer.
3. Google Search:
Google can help you finding a best photographer near you. You just have to type “ Wedding Photographers near me” or “Candid photographer near me” on google search bar to get instant results. You will get couple of ads displayed on the top and some organic results of popular photography service providers nearby your location.
Visit multiple photography websites and compare their works to finalise one.
The one downside of google is, it will show web pages which are optimised for search engines. That means, if the website has very content and seo friendly architecture, google will love to rank those pages in the first page.
Google ads are mainly depended on bidding, hence photographers who pay more for clicks, will be placed on top of the page.
Don’t just blindly belive them as a best photographer if you see them on first pages, check their works and portofolio before getting into a contract.
4. Facebook or Instagram:
You can find professional wedding photographers on social medias such as facebook or instagram. Search a term “ wedding photographers bangalore” on search bar you will get good number of facebook / instagram pages managed by photographers. Go through their profile pages and pick the one which has highest reviews and good rating.
Now, every person who owns DSLR have called themselves as a pro photographers. You normally get to see a lot of pages like NamePhotography created as soon as they buy DSLRs.
Be aware of fake photographers or part time photographers and preferably avoid freelance photographers just because they may not be available all days in a week and there is a less chance that they own all the profiessional equipments as they are very costly. Dont forget to talk to the photographer directly before finalizing them.
5. Last and the Best Option:
If you feel none of the options mentioned above are not working out for you, then we have the last and the best option for you.
We Phometo team have verified some of the top Wedding Photographers in Bangalore and have completed over 200 happy weddings in Bangalore by associating with them.
If you wish to get the best wedding photography packages and quotations, drop us an enquiry on our facebook page along with your contact number, we will connect you with one of the finest wedding photography service providers in Bangalore.
Why Phometo Photographers?
All the photographers we refer have physical studio setups in Bangalore, you can visit them any time for discussion and to see sample works.
Phometo verifies and takes up photographers only if they have over 5 years of professional experience in studio photography Business.
We do not entertain freelancers with less exerience.
Our photographers are creative, we are sure that you get the best our of your wedding events.
Rates are very competitive, you can get custom wedding packages as per your requirements. Be it 30,000 or 300,000 we have dedicated packages for you.
Our team use advanced photography equipments such as Mixing units, Advanced DSLRs, Prime lenses, HD Video cameras, Drones, Cranes, Large LED Walls, Instant Photo Booth etc.
We have tieups with World class photography album printers, We have over 30 type of different prints to choose from.
Not just this, there are many other reasons to hire Wedding Photographers in Bangalore from us.
So, Why wait?
Hire a best wedding photographers in Bangalore now!