Hello! Good to know that you are joining beautiful club of creativity. And Yes! You have taken a right step! Before we move on to some deeper topics of learning Photography here are few tips for beginner photographers which would help them boosting skill set.
1. Rent out a Camera Before Buying
If you are yet to start professional photography, try to hire gears to experiment how different lenses and body works. That gives a fair idea on which combination of DSLR and lenses would suit your requirements.
2. Go with an Entry Level DSLR
All DSLR cameras work in a similar fashion. To start learning DSLR photography go with any entry-level camera than spending too much money on mid-level or high-end cameras. Once you become Pro, you may wish to upgrade it to Full frame cameras. Check this List of Best DSLR camera in India under 30000.
3. Hold it right
Holding camera is very important if you are starting photography newly. Use Your left hand to hold your camera steady and use your right hand to control camera functions.
4. Use Tripod
Using Tripod is recommended if you are shooting in low light conditions. Else images may come out blurrish and sharpness will be lost. To achieve great results and sharpness in images you capture, use the tripod.
5. Use Natural Lights
Sun is the world’s best source of light, try to master in utilizing sunlight. Most of the Professional Photographers prefer shooting between 7 am to 9 am and evening 5 pm to 6 pm because of golden light.
6. Buy Reflectors over Costly Flashes
Reflectors can be a game changer in your photography if used correctly. You may get them for a very cheaper price (About 800 INR) from eBay. Or you can even use a thermocol sheet to redirect light from the sun towards your object.
7. Watch Tutorials
Keep learning attitude always. Follow some of the great photographers on Social Media. My all-time favorite photographer is Karl Taylor, I love watching his tutorials.
8. Start Using Manual mode
Manual mode in DSLR opens up an opportunity to accommodate with the natural lights available. To become a professional photographer you have to start understanding how aperture, shutter speed and ISO works. If you start practicing manual mode, you will learn it quickly
9. Avoid using View Finder:
Start capturing photos without using a viewfinder. You should be able to judge image output by looking at camera EXIF settings.
10. Go for Photo-walks
Best Way to learn something is to do it. If you want to become a good professional photographer, then you should start shooting pictures. Find out a group of 3 – 4 people who wish to learn photography, go out with them to a nice place where you may get to shoot objects like flowers, birds, animals or even insects! Exchange what went well and what not.
11. Keep experimenting
There is no fixed rule in photography. Though they are too many rules written on books, ultimately its you and your views you are going to represent. Therefore do not worry about Rule of third or Matrix rules, keep experimenting and continue experimenting.
12. Start Learning Post Post Processing
This is one the important tips which nobody is going to tell, learning post-processing is as important as learning to capture the image. If you really want your images to be like wow then you gotta learn post-processing. Photoshop and Lightroom are the most commonly used post-processing applications used by most of the Professional Photographers.
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