How to Get Perfect Skin Before a Photo Shoot: The makeup you put on only looks as good as the canvas underneath it does, which is why it’s highly important to take proper care of your skin a week in advance of your scheduled photo shoot. Even though the professional makeup artist undoubtedly has some tricks up their sleeve to make you look flawless, and the post-production can get rid of any imperfections you may have, a few simple ways of preparing your skin will have you looking naturally gorgeous and absolutely glowing in front of the camera.
During the week leading up to your photo shoot, it’s crucial to construct a great skincare routine if you want to achieve a flawless and radiant complexion. Start your regimen off with a gentle face cleanser, either in the form of a cream or a gel, to melt away makeup, clean out your pores, protect your skin’s outer layer and prevent it from being overstimulated to produce oil. Double cleanse with micellar water that will get rid of any potential dirt or makeup residue on your skin, then follow the routine up with a good toner that will even out your complexion and create a radian glow. Depending on your skin type, consider exfoliating your face once or twice during the week, but make sure you opt for a light and gentle exfoliator that will clean out your pores and get rid of dead skin cells, without harming your skin in any way.
Get in the habit of using a great facial moisturizer twice a day that will keep your skin soft, supple and hydrated, and don’t overlook the importance of a good eye cream and lip balm. Don’t opt for facials or other skin treatments, because using a skincare regimen that is too active and harsh, or undergoing any chemical treatments, might stimulate your skin to break out, irritate, or even cause an allergic reaction. Instead, keep your routine quick and simple during this week, as taking proper care of your skin ahead of time will be highly beneficial for the way it looks on camera. However, don’t forget about the rest of your body, as it will show in your pictures as well.
Get in the habit of exfoliating your body with a loofah whenever you take a shower, and always follow it up with a heavier cream or lotion that will keep the skin on your whole body soft, silky and absolutely radiant. Remember to drink plenty of water, in order to keep your skin moisturized and avoid dryness and flakiness, and even help smooth out any wrinkles and fine lines you might have. You might even want to consider taking a multivitamin with skin-beneficial ingredients, such as zinc, folic acid and vitamin C, for great skin health and a radiant complexion.
A few days before the photo shoot, take care of the little details that truly pull the whole look together. Whether you decide to get your eyebrows waxed or threaded, a clean and groomed brow will give your makeup artist the best potential to create a beautiful and flawless look. Just be careful not to do it on the day of your shoot, as makeup simply won’t stick to freshly waxed skin, and you might be at the risk of irritation or breakouts, or simply add texture to your skin that might require additional coverage and additional work. Another great idea would be to opt for a spray tan, or even a tanning cream, as a faux glow always looks incredible on camera. If you’re not very skilled at applying a self-tanner, or you’ve never done it yourself before, the best idea would be to go to a professional that can hand airbrush a soft and subtle natural tint of color that won’t look too dark or too streaky on your complexion.
The night before your shoot, steer clear of those harmful substances that wreak havoc on the skin, such as alcohol and cigarettes, and replace them with a hydrating glass of water. Make sure to get at least eight hours of uninterrupted sleep before your photo shoot, to ensure you feel rested and energized, and that your skin is absolutely glowing. Remove all traces of your makeup, and be sure to moisturize your skin and use a good eye cream and lip balm, so that you can arrive with a clean and fresh face on the day of your photo shooting session.
In the end, the most important thing of all is to have trust in your makeup artist. Not only do they have all the tools they need to give you the look you desire, but with that beautiful skin you’ve taken such good care of, creating the perfect, photographable look is going to be a piece of cake.
How to Get Perfect Skin Before a Photo Shoot
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