
Creative Newborn Photo Ideas

Creative Newborn Photo Ideas

When you have a baby at your home, all you do is look for creative newborn photo ideas and click lots of pictures and take videos. You love to save all their moments with you let it be his first step, his first birthday, his first smile, his first grin etc.. Here are some Tips on Photographing Babies to take some best shots and cherish them forever.

1. Be ProActive in Clicking:

We cannot predict babies so, therefore, keep the clicking rather than waiting for that perfect pose or moment because somewhere in 20-30 consecutive shots there will be one perfect shot.

2. Keep Them Engaged:

When capturing babies, you may need to “engage with them” to elicit a reaction. This can be playing peek-a-boo, making funny faces, or making funny noises etc. There are so many ways you can get a baby to smile.

3. Make it Memorable:

To take memorable pictures try to capture the baby with family and friends. Siblings, especially if they are close in age makes a perfect happy photograph – get them playing, eat, interact together. Let the kids do what they want to. Take the photos from the distance, so as not to disrupt them.

4. Go for Multiple Angles

You get better shots if you try different angles in each pose. You never know when you get a great photo by varying your angles.

There are many Tips on Photographing Babies, but the most important is to be Natural and fast.

Some Technical Tips

Baby’s age is an important factor while shooting as the poses will depend on how comfortable they are. Though every baby is different, generally, the age of the baby can dictate how the session will run.

Little babies can easily take curly positions than older ones and also don’t hate it much about having their clothes during the photo shoot (Seriously :p)

Babies up to 2 Weeks

I strongly encourage parents and photographers to schedule sessions when babies are at least under 2 weeks of age. At this age babies stay asleep longer, easy to position in curl up poses, and usually have their feeding time set.

2 Weeks or More

There are parents who want take a session with their baby who is older than 2 weeks. When you have a session with an older baby, you’ll need to focus more on the props of the baby, awake/slept, dresses, bucket or handheld shots. It might not be easier to position them in curly poses. Some parents are interested in cute/creative photos of their baby so there is when props are important.

No Matter What. Baby Should be Safe!

So Good Luck and Start Clicking!


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